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Gen Z may or may not be one of the most Conservative generations ever, making many less Liberal than their Millennial parents. The Progressive establishment has not gotten this memo, and as much as they would like to make this a “Brat Summer,” this demographic of voters is not as easily fooled.
And for the record, thinking a party will get more votes by trying to make "brat summer" a thing is the most pathetic thing in the history of things.
Harry Enten assumed that Kamala would appeal to young voters, but he was wrong, as she’s not doing nearly as well in the polls as Biden was, showing her to be 12 points behind compared to Biden in 2020 among voters 35 and younger. And for some reason, the left thought that just because Biden resigned, Gen Z would jump in line at the ballot box to cast their vote for Harris. But they thought wrong.
There are many reasons for this, and CNN is too old and too out of touch to figure out why, but I am not.
Firstly, although the more progressive Gen Z voters are indeed more radical than Progressive millennials when we view that demographic as a whole, there are some very important realizations that the boomers must take into account.
The most crucial is financial stability, as the reality of homeownership, becomes less likely by the day, and with the increasing number of people moving back in with their parents because of how expensive everything is, the last thing these people want is to give more of their money to the government to launder it to corrupt NGOs.
Although it's also true that the younger ones are less likely to be phased by their classmate being a pan furry, it’s also true that mass political correctness also creates a counterculture that becomes increasingly more attractive to these people. And Trump giving the finger to the establishment may be much more appealing than increasing the bureaucracy and emboldening corruption, as Harris has made a career doing.
Also, millennials may have been one of the first generations to take a lot of pride in being objectively ugly. This is the only group to make movements out of not showering, women refusing to shave, and pretending that obesity is healthy. Gen Z is not dumb like the establishment thinks, and are not so easily fooled in these grotesque ways, and many of them have taken extreme steps to preserve their beauty. So the fact that Kamala is a radical and her daughter is the embodiment of taking pride in being fugly, (respectively), makes it all that much more likely that they won’t just blindly bend a knee for someone who can’t even properly fit her suit.
Millennials tried the whole radical thing with Obama and that's where many of their problems started. Rather than get more of the same, maybe liberals can at least pretend they want to make their lives better, rather than being painfully beholden to a woke ideology that no one wants.
Kamala does not even give leader vibes, as she’s insanely awkward and looks objectively uncomfortable. And at the same time, the establishment thinks these traits mask how corrupt and radical she truly is. But it does not and there's nothing more out of touch than Kamala’s staff getting young millionaires to endorse her. Especially considering that endorsements from people, who will never have financial troubles, won’t convince anyone.
When someone who believes they may never be able to afford a house is told to vote some type of way by someone who can afford more than a handful of homes, that does not do much more than add to the cringe-fest.
Again, the left would love to make “brat summer” a thing, but unless they are referring to the Oxford dictionary definition of a bratty person being obnoxious, Kamala will not lead the way in this.
Moral of the story: These people could not get it if their lives depended on it, as they couldn't be more painfully out of touch. And this does not even touch the surface of the reality of the situation.
It turns out that the party that destroyed the American dream for future generations may not have the blind support they expect, and there is nothing more infuriating than a political system thinking they are entitled to votes they didn't earn.
Debunked: Kamala Harris' BS Trump Talking Points www.youtube.com