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Since 2020, CNN has been playing PR damage control for Sleepy Joe, as he has been a vegetable for several years. And as things only got worse for Mr. Potato Head, the media only doubled down and pretended the man was better than ever. But it was only after 50 million people realized the man could not even put together the most basic sentences that they could not ignore this reality much longer. Thus, surly but slowly, top Democrats have been calling out Crooked Joe, demanding he withdraw his candidacy, as they pretend the man even knows he's running.
It must be a great thing to wake up every day and find out you are technically the most powerful man in the world, but it must suck to find out you need to give up that position, as the left had no problem pretending he was doing much of anything the past four years. Nonetheless, we seem to be inching closer and closer to his withdrawal.
In 2022, Jake Tapper asked Biden what he'd say to voters who believe he’s too old. Joe responded that he has done more than any president in modern history. However, CNN clearly edited the response where Biden said “done more to destroy America in modern History.” However, they did include the parts where Tapper had to finish Biden’s thoughts and where Crooked Joe demanded America “watch” as he promised to unarm the people with an “assault weapons ban.”
It's been two years since that video and Tapper is no longer cosplaying as a journalist with his Soviet-style, scripted interviews and now he is comparing Biden to Bruce Willis's character in The Sixth Sense.
“President Biden is like Bruce Willis’ character in the movie The Sixth Sense. He is the only one who seems unaware of his grim fate,” Tapper said.
“Former President Obama has told allies recently that Biden’s chances of winning have greatly diminished,” he added.
He then admitted that Biden struggles with basic communication as if he hadn't already known when covering it up for several years.
It’s unclear why the media has decided to change the tune on Sleepy Joe this far into the game, as they could have avoided this by telling the truth in 2020, but that's not how these people care to operate.
What he should be asking is, ‘Who has been running things for the past four years?’ Because someone who doesn't even know what he knows could not have been able to even pretend to be in charge. But as Obama once said, never underestimate this man's ability to “f*ck things up.”
Tapper may pretend he didn't know what he knows that Biden doesn't know because if you know and I knew then Tapper definitely knew.
As of writing this, Biden has yet to resign. Unclear when that will be but if they use COVID as an excuse that will literally be the dumbest thing in the history of excuses, although, it does make for great political theatre.
I can't tell you how much PR damage control Tapper will be responsible for once the new candidate arises, but we can be certain to get more of the same with this man.
Trump's Harrowing Retelling of His Near Death Experience www.youtube.com