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If the Dems wish to paint Kamabla as a moderate, the least they could have done was not pick one of the most radical governors in America, especially the one who helped fuel the 2020 BLM riots, especially because even Minnesotans are concerned as they recall living in fear while he “let the city burn.”
CNN’s Jason Carroll spoke to several voters in Minnesota who are dissatisfied with their governor and recalled feelings of fear and dread because he failed to respond to the George Floyd riots.
Walz works for the people and the fact that they lived in fear because he failed to do the most basic part of his job is rather telling. This man sat by as he watched Minneapolis burn to the ground and he could care less.
Walz does not care that more than 1,500 businesses “were damaged or destroyed between May 24 and June 16” of 2020. Just imagine the damage a Kamabla-Walz presidency could cause.
Per a CNN article from 2021:
The city of Minneapolis has estimated it will cost $350 million to fully restore its buildings to what they were. Other officials pointed out many of those buildings were built decades ago and said it will cost much more to ensure they comply with current city and state laws governing new construction.
“We don’t have an accurate number, but it’s certainly more than $1 billion,” Democratic state senator Patricia Torres Ray told CNN Business. “Rebuilding Minneapolis is a very expensive proposal.”
That is the damage one man oversaw in just three weeks, which cost nearly a billion dollars in damage in one part of just one city. And he wants to be the second most powerful person in the world. That’s insane. He didn’t even care to make the simplest phone call to get the National Guard in, that’s all he had to do. So obviously, the ones who suffered under that are concerned with him possibly being the vice president.
Unclear if this TikToker does not remember the summer of 2020 but she might be one of those people who blame it on racism and not a lack of leadership.
Walz is familiar with abandoning his duties when times get tough and there is no way America can survive his leadership level on a national scale.
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