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Watch: MSNBC stooge makes shockingly dumb claim about "Easter egg of white supremacy" she found in Vance's speech


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Progressives will take the most nonissues, so long as it involves someone with a skin color they don’t like, and pretend there is some issue there. They not only make a problem out of nothing, but they do so to make something about race all because it includes someone with a skin color they loathe.

I hope none of that made sense because nothing these people do makes sense, but MSNBC Host Alex Wagner took issue with JD Vance because he wants to be buried at his family plot and according to her, that's racist and he must be buried next to his Indian in-laws. Also, it's unclear if his in-laws even have a plot, but give it to these people to cry when someone breathes the wrong way.

"I do think there were some sort of Easter eggs of white nationalism in the speech," Wagner said. “One of the things that stuck out to me was when he started talking about what America is, he said that ‘America is not just an idea, it is a group of people with a shared history and a common future.’ The thing about America is that it’s not a group of people with a shared history. In fact, I think a lot of people would argue it’s quite the opposite. It’s a lot of people with different histories, different heritages.”

Does she think she “just fell out of a coconut tree?” Because, according to Kamala Harris, “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”

She thinks that Vance wants to be buried in Kentucky because he supposedly thinks his family history is about “the white male lineage that trumps that, that defines the family history, that that branch of the tree supersedes all else.”

And because of this, he is embracing White nationalism and toxic masculinity and thinks that America has something to do with a “Western background.”

Literally, all Vance said was that he hopes his family is buried there because it would be “Seven generations of people who have fought for this country."

How can he be promoting what she claims he is when his wife is Indian and he wants her buried there? My goodness, these people are so incredibly stupid and are just making things up.

What she is really trying to say is that she hates everything about America and wants it destroyed. And she is trashing Western culture as if they created slavery and racism even though they did not create it, as they created the movement to end it. She acts as if only White people have had slaves even though every culture, ethnicity, and skin color utilized it, but it was White people who ended it.

But she won’t mention that and she won't mention that White people died to end slavery, because she lives in Progressive La La Land where these people make up lies, and not even good lies.

It’s really unclear what she is even trying to say, it could be that she wants to embrace multiculturalism and back the foolish idea that “aLl CuLtUrEs ArE cReAtEd EqUaL,” even though that's not even remotely true, but again, these people don’t care about being factually correct, just politically correct. And the politically correct thing to do is to trash America, its founding, and everything that makes it the best country in the world, for reasons these people cannot even comprehend.

It is unclear why these people hate America and freedom so much, and I don’t even think they know. But MSNBC has the most retarded host in the history of news hosts, as they are not even required to be factually correct.

America LETS Europe Exist. | Louder With Crowder www.youtube.com

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