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Every four years the left comes up with some “cause” that usually condones reprehensible behaviors. This election season we are seeing Progressives rally for Hamas. Most people who defend this cause are undoubtedly naive, and coincidentally Taylor Lorenz is also naive. Thus, we have this story for you.
It’s not every day that Don Lemon becomes the voice of reason. But again, when we are dealing with some of the most naive members of society, it only takes someone with half a brain to stump them. So when Lorenz tried to claim that Gaza LGBTQ laws are even remotely comparable to that of Texas, it did not go too well for her.
— (@)
Off topic but she is really starting to look her age….
"Taylor I'm a member of the LGBTQ community, if I go to Texas they're not going to throw me off a roof,” Lemon said.
That is what’s so dumb about the “Queers for Palestine” crowd, they couldn't be any more ignorant. It is nothing more than a virtue-signaling group that would be logically equivalent to “vegans for meat.”
No law in Texas criminalizes homosexuality. The only thing she could be referring to is the state law that bans drug and surgical “gender transition” for minors, which has nothing to do with “gay rights” and EVERYTHING to do with outlawing blatant child abuse. That is how stupid Lorenz is. She thinks throwing someone off a building for their sexual preferences is logically equivalent to preventing a 15-year-old girl from getting a medically unnecessary double mastectomy.
In a strategy termed “pinkwashing,” Israel promotes itself as a gay utopia and tourist destination and attempts to co-opt queerness as a propaganda tool. Queer people themselves have long organized against being used by Israel as props in a marketing war. Queer Palestinian groups like Aswat and alQaws have been working at a grassroots level to bring visibility and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ identities within Palestinian society and offer “an alternative to Israel’s Pinkwashing practices and Palestinian taboos regarding sexual freedoms and rights.” They say that their main concern isn’t homophobia and transphobia in Palestinian society—systems that exist in every society, including Israeli and American—it’s the Israeli occupation, a system that oppresses and kills LGBTQIA+ people the same as all Palestinian people.
I have no clue what the term “pinkwashing” means, but it’s probably another Progressive slur used to hide behind their blatant bigotry.
Question: How come when Palestinians have “taboos regarding sexual” preferences, it’s considered a cultural difference, but if Texas does something they don’t like, it’s “homophobia and transphobia?”
Tens of thousands march in Israel's pride parade yet that is allegedly “pinkwashing,” whatever that even means.
I also don't think they allow people to watch pornography in Gaza, let alone a woman dancing at an awards party dedicated to it. But here is Lorenz dancing at the Pornhub awards and it's clear she has no clue that this behavior would not have gone too well in Palestine.
— (@)
Lorenz is either extremely ignorant, a liar, or both. And it says A LOT when Don Lemon has to call her foolishness out.
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