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The Biden campaign thinks Sleepy Joe can win Florida. Which would be comical except for the fact that that is a pretty pathetic assumption. There is no way he can win Florida. Nonetheless, MSNBC is still trying to do damage control for our sleepwalking POTUS.
MSNBC host Jose Diaz-Balart sat down with a group of voters in Florida who had a diverse range of thoughts. In particular, there was one Hispanic voter who was based and said what most sensible Americans think.
“I think the southern border needs to be closed,” the sane voter told Diaz-Balart. “I think it is unsafe for our country. I would love to believe the idea that everybody that is crossing the southern border is doing so in search of the American dream, but that’s not true.”
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“I do agree with the wall. I think it makes sense,” she added.
As the late Ronald Reagan said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”
“You lock your doors at night to keep your house safe and I think that we need to have some kind of measure to keep our border safe as well.”
In the Sunshine State, the “right” to kill babies is on the ballot this Nov. The DNC thinks this is an issue that will hand over its victory. But the right to abort choices is not the take-all issue.
The two issues that people will vote on are the economy and the border. Not things like Climate Change and Abortion. At least not to the extent that will win an election.
According to Gallup, "While many Americans regard the economy, generally, or inflation, specifically, as the most important problem facing the U.S., far more name immigration. Immigration now sits alone at the top of the most important problem list, something it has done only occasionally in Gallup’s trend and not since 2019."
The majority of Americans don’t plan on getting an abortion anytime soon. Nor do they want to control the direction of the wind. However, the majority of voters are affected by the economy and by immigration. There is no way that sensible people would throw out their vote in hopes that getting taxed into oblivion will give Biden the power to dictate how much snow we get. That is not how the real world works.
The woman on MSNBC who believes this great country could benefit from a wall has said what most sensible voters are thinking. We deserve to be protected and when you allow everyone and their grandmas in through the floodgates, you contribute to the ruin of this great nation.
If you let five random people that you don’t know move into your home, it will no longer be your home. At least not to the extent you once knew. When you let anyone and everyone into these United States, you no longer have the United States.
Anyway, while Sleepy Joe and his campaign try to convince aborting choices is the end-all for “rights”, serious voters want action on the economy and the border that the Biden administration single-handedly destroyed.
INVASION: Record Number of Terrorists Captured at US Southern Border! www.youtube.com