Most people reading this know that Joy Reid is one of the worst hosts on TV. That is both an opinionated statement and a provable fact because not surprisingly, she has one of the worst-rated “news” channels on cable. And this story is exactly why no one watches her joke of a show.
Tiffany Justice, one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty, agreed to an interview with Reid. That is what they agreed to. But that is not what happened. The segment ended up being Reid condoning books with abhorrent, deranged, and evil content, like the rape of a child by a teacher, saying that it should be up to the parents to decide if their kids should be exposed to “content” about pedophilia rape.
According to The Post Millennial:
“Reid pressed the question of why liberal parents can't have the right to allow their children to be able to read the book, ‘All Boys Aren't Blue,’ which has topics concerning anal rape, incest, strap-on dildos, and many others that would not be appropriate to many parents of school children. She argued that passages about these topics are taken ‘out of context in school board meetings.’"
Justice explained that the book is about a young man who is anally raped by a family member when he is a child and then asked, ‘In what context is a strap-on dildo acceptable for public school?’”
— (@)
I know, you know, and any sensible person knows that there is no such thing as “context” when it comes to exposing children to “a strap-on dildo”. Up until a couple of years ago, these sorts of things would be called “grooming” but now people like Reid want the masses to believe this is somehow “brave”. That is how deranged these people are.
Reid had not much of anything to say when Justice said, “Tell me what the content around the strap-on dildo or the rape of a minor child by a teacher” should be allowed in schools.
Rather, she pulled a usual leftist tactic where she dodged the question, and shot back a random question that had zero significance or relevance, all to unload her abandonment of honest inquiry, while also throwing ad hominem attacks.
Reid's attempt at a gotcha moment was asking Justice to name the main character in the book. Justice answered the question correctly. But that does not matter. Even if she answered it incorrectly, it still would not matter. Reid had to go with the script and tell Justice that she was not an “expert” in dildos. Yep, that was the best attempt she had up her sleeve.
"I don't need to be an expert to know that dildos aren't appropriate content for public school."
That is correct. You don’t have to be an "expert". And actually, that is a common fallacy used by leftists. They often resort to the appeal to authority fallacy to try and discredit people when they are right. Similar to how they referred to "the experts" during the Panny D. Ironically, the "experts" got pretty much everything wrong. That is because people only use that argument when they have lost the debate or have nothing to say.
Reid even tried to say that because Justice has never met the writer, she does not know what she is talking about. All of this is logically equivalent to telling someone they cannot know they are tired because they are not a sleep expert.
Quite frankly, you don’t need to be an “expert” to claim that exposing children to these sorts of books is evil. But because the left de facto condones such behavior and doubles down on their degeneracy no matter the extent, that is how logical all of this gets for them. And by that I mean no logic at all.
FULL DESPOT! Joy Reid Says the Unvaxxed Need to PAY! | Louder With Crowder www.youtube.com