One of the major arguments the left makes to defend illegal immigration is their support for cheap labor. The fact that they want the masses to believe there will be a literal famine if foreign nationals don’t pick blueberries proves how illogical their reasoning is.
In other words, the wealthiest people are worried illegal aliens will not clean their toilets or pick their crops. You cannot make that level of entitlement up.
Do these people even hear themselves speak? There is no way anyone can say that and think they are morally superior.
The fact that they want you to believe that enforcing federal immigration laws will massively increase grocery prices is a level of gaslighting not seen since these same people pretended inflation was a myth.
And for the millionth time, these are targeted deportations. The people being sent back have committed terrible crimes and are living off welfare and/or at luxury hotels on the taxpayer's dime. So, while the left wants you to believe there will be a total economic collapse if Trump does not stop deporting criminal aliens, that could not be further from the truth.
That being said, if this is not proof that woke, White liberals are some of the most racist members among us, nothing is, as they pathetically fear the safety of their blueberries.
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