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Media propaganda has already started against Trump's deportations; "Horse Whip gate" is a reminder of how pathetic it will get


Donald Trump started with the mass deportations of illegal immigrants, the tens of millions who waltzed in under the previous regime, on Day One. He needs to. The beginning of his term is the only time he'll have the political capital to do so. It is one thing for people to say they support deportations in concept. It's another to stand by that when the left and the media (but I repeat myself) get the propaganda against them going.

They've already started:

If you need an example of how bad the lies and bullplop from the media and the left (but I repeat myself) will get, let's take a look back at the border agents who were whipping Haitian migrants with their horse whips. Of course, as we all know now, they were doing no such thing.

It all started with a (now deleted) tweet:

At the same time, this article was tweeted out by a since-deleted "news" outlet:

Sawyer Hackett was the executive director of Julian Castro's PAC. Castro is a pro-amnesty leftist politician who failed at running for president in 2016. VICE is a left-wing rag. If the executive director of a Steven Miller PAC shared claims made by Breitbart News, the media would ask questions or cry misinformation. Instead, the media ran with the misinformation since it validated what they already believed, as did the Joe Biden White House.

It wasn't until a conservative reporter asked questions that there was a response from Border Patrol. The "whip-like" cord was a rein. As in, what you use when you are riding horses. Border Patrol issues this statement:

"Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it's used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse. If they get to close, the horse can step on them, breaking bones, or causing other injuries. Agents also need to maintain control of their reins so they don't lose control of the horse, which can cause injury to the immigrants, the agents, and the horses.

This statement was shared throughout Twitter, the social media platform everyone in the news swears by and spends every waking hour on. Even if every single person working at a particular news outlet missed it, there was enough time for the evening news to reach out and get their own statement. Instead, news outlets like CBS News ignored the statement and continued to spread misinformation—actual misinformation, not what the left and the media (still repeating myself) will usually claim is "misinformation."

When the "mainstream" media cries that conservatives spread misinformation, remember this is what passes for mainstream reporting. At best, the mainstream media is lazy. At worst, they don't care and know there are no consequences.

For example, the Biden White House didn't care.

Ready for the big reveal? The video that the pro-amnesty activist took the screen capture from? He knew it was bullplop.

But as he said in follow-up tweets once he got exposed for LYING, "This isn't about whips vs reins. It's not even about the damn horses." It was about him thinking migrants should have an easier time crossing the border. The debate over whips THAT HE STARTED was a "distraction" from what he said was the real issue.

And remember, this all happened during the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION when everyone involved liked who was president and supported the open border policies. Donald Trump is running things now. The journalisming coverage will only get worse and more dishonest.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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