Of all the indignities suffered by journalismers as more and more of them lose their corporate journalisming jobs, Don Lemon being reduced to man-on-the-street interviews is among the most schadenfreuderific. He was going to launch a show on X-Twitter. Then he realized his CNN schtick didn't work on X-Twitter. Then he quit X-Twitter. Now, whatever he is doing, people only know when a clip shows up on X-Twitter. Like this one.
A memo went out to corporate media for them to "just ask questions" over who the real president is: Donald Trump or Elon Musk. Yes, I recognize NEITHER is the real president right now. But Elon spoke out about the continuing resolution, Democrats wanted all the bullplop they tried to bury in the continuing resolution, so journalismers are being dispatched to claim it's unAmerican for a billionaire to have such a say in American politics.
Lemon asked a random guy who the incoming president was. The man said it was Donald Trump. Lemon followed up by saying that "some" are saying Elon Much is pulling the strings. Then, Lemon showed the man all the journalism outlets "reporting" on it.
This is where the video turns BASED.
I am willing to give Don Lemon some credit. I'll give him 12% credit (though a case could be made for 15%). There is a chance his question was based on how the media focuses on things normal people don't care about. There could be context missing from this clip. Could I look up said context? Sure. But it's the morning before Christmas, and I just don't wanna.
Lemon's reason for the questions aside, the man's point speaks for itself. The media has repeatedly sabotaged its reputation, so no one trusts the institution anymore. One need not look any further than the ongoing saga of Joe Bidens cognitive decline that the media claimed was fake news until the Democrat Party needed them to start calling it not-fake news.
This man, like most Americans, is focused on paying attention to their day. The media is focused on paying attention to what they are told to pay attention to that day by Democrat strategists.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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