According to Joy Reid, "massive cuts to eviscerate federal agencies" are bad because the president should only embody the bureaucracy, not fight it.
Reid claimed that DOGE will lead to “unregulated financial markets, polluted air and water, and raw unpasteurized milk, likely without Obamacare to help you out at the ER."
Reid has made it clear she is all in it for the government and not your best interest, as she has failed to explain why making the government more efficient is bad.
Firstly, the government has been complaining about the environment for decades and the bigger it gets the more they fearmonger about catastrophic scenarios. So although it might just be a correlation, the evidence shows that more government equals more polluted air.
Additionally, no one involved with DOGE claims they intend to de-regulate the financial market, pollute air and water, or do anything to prevent people from getting help at the ER. And it’s often the government that stands in the way to make these things more complicated and less efficient.
The fact that she despises billionaires, while being richer than the majority of the world, is rather telling, especially because she couldn't care less when people get rich in government rather than the private sector.
It’s unclear if she is objectively retarded or lying to her viewers but both can be true at the same time. Unfortunately for her, she may be out of a job sooner than she realizes, as her new corporate overlord may or may not become Elon Musk.
Bigger government has never been proven to be efficient and it’s about time we cut the bureaucracy to the point that makes it almost impossible for the federal government to ever get this big again. And the fact that Reid wants to gaslight the masses as if that’s a bad thing proves how unfit she is for her job.
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