There's not much to do this week other than wait for Donald Trump to making cabinet picks and revel it leftists having meltdowns over their Trump supporting family members. Then, when Trump makes a pick, revel in the meltdown over his choice of a Fox News host to head up the Department of Defense or Elon Musk to head up the Department of Memes. As we wait for today's offerings on the altar of content, please enjoy Van Jones opining on how much it sucks to be a Democrat right now.
Note the use of finger quotes around the word "meltdown" in the title. This isn't like we've been seeing from the shrill harpies on "The View." Van Jones had his tongue embedded in his cheek as he described where his party stands in the world of politics these days.
Right now, they have everything. They've got the Supreme Court. They've got the electoral college. They've got the House, they got -- probably they've got the Senate. They've got popular vote.
And we're just sitting here with a dunce cap on. This time last week we thought we were the smartest people in the world. We thought Donald Trump was an idiot. We thought his campaign made no sense. And it turned out they were smarter than us and we don't have anything to say to you... we got whooped.
I hope Van Jones gets his cucumber water and a cookie. As for those of us on the right, while this week has been fun I'd advise everyone to remember success in politics is fleeting. And if we aren't careful, it will be Van Jones telling Scott Jennings to go to the spa in a few years.
I always go back to something I remember a friend of the family saying during the height of the Reagan-Bush years. He was a big union Democrat guy, and one time, while the grown-ups were talking in the backyard, he said he's accepted the fact that we'll "never see another Democrat President."
There have been three since then.
Trump has two years to do as much for the American people as he has promised he's going to do. We should all be working as if losing the House in 2026 (it's currently a two-seat majority) is fait accompli.
But that's starting in January. For now, enjoy the spoils of victory! And knowing how sad our opponents are.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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