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According to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, Kamala is the one who can save the lives of women for reasons that the left could never explain. However, when you look at this little thing called “voting record” the exact opposite seems true.
Wallace claimed that the “stakes literally are life & death for every woman in America” and that is “not hyperbole” or “an exaggeration.” But the only problem with that statement is that it does not take into account the unborn lives lost to their deranged ideology. So while the left is out there claiming they are saving women, they are 0-500,000 (assuming half the abortions this year are female). Nonetheless, the Dems are losing it as election day is only one week away and Kamala has yet to win over male voters in middle America.
Per the transcript from Mediaite:
“To the men who love us, let me just try to paint a picture of what it will feel like if America, the wealthiest nation on earth, keeps revoking basic care from its women. And how it will affect every single woman in your life.”
So I just checked all the laws in all 50 states, including Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., and there is not one single thing that “revokes basic care from women” and it turns out that that would actually be considered a criminal offense.
Your girlfriend could be the one in legal jeopardy if she needs a pill from out of state or overseas, or if she has to travel across state lines because the local clinic closed up. Your wife or mother could be the ones at higher risk of dying from undiagnosed cervical cancer because they have no access to regular gynecological care. Your daughter could be the one too terrified to call the doctor if she’s bleeding during an unexpected pregnancy.
Wait…. I am having a hard time seeing how killing one’s unborn child somehow revokes “regular gynecological care" and increases the risk of "dying from undiagnosed cervical cancer." A Pap test is typically done to detect these things and I have yet to see any rule that criminalizes this. And if Wallace is going to make such claims that are supposedly “not hyperbole” then the least she can do is provide the least bit of evidence. However, it turns out that claiming “women will die from undiagnosed cervical cancer” if Trump is elected and only Kamala has the cure for cancer, is not the best way to win over male voters.
The worst part of her rant was that she said doctors would be forced to let women die if they experience an ectopic pregnancy even though the solution to that is not an abortion. And the fact that she can claim with a straight face that none of this is “hyperbole” or an “exaggeration” is so disingenuous and a level of fear-mongering that no one is pathetic enough to believe.
Do these people truly believe male voters will be convinced to vote for Kamala because they claim she can cure cancer? And for the record, Trump intends to do nothing with abortion but the Dems have decided the only way to win this election is if they make it about aborting choices. But the only problem is that lies don't put food on the table.
It's unclear how her rant was supposed to win over male voters, but I just asked every man in the history of men, and no one was sold.
- YouTube youtu.be