You gotta hand it to the New York Times. I had thought claims that Taylor Swift's success was a deep-state psyop would be the dumbest Taylor Swift controversy this election cycle. Instead, a content creator for the NYT claims the singer could be secretly queer. Swifties, as you might imagine, won't calm down about it.
In a piece titled "Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do," a journalismer claimed Swift has been dropping clues in her songs that, while on the surface she might appear straight, she is hiding the fact that she is at the very least secretly bi. "Those dropped hairpins began to appear in Ms. Swift’s artistry long before queer identity was undeniably marketable to mainstream America. They suggest to queer people that she is one of us."
Swifties are canceling their NYT subscriptions, calling the outlet "sexist and grossly inappropriate" because they would never say this about a dude. Others are claiming Swift's popularity has left a "Taylor-shaped hole in people’s ethics." Here is CNN's Oliver Darcy, who critics say looks like a possum that crawled out of the rear end of a dead cow, with more.
Barstool's Kelly Keegs, who contrary to what you may have heard*** is America's actual first-ever Taylor Swift journalist, says the OpEd comes from an online conspiracy theory about the same topic.
This person (not an "author" in my eyes), Anna Marks has spent so much time on TikTok, on back channels of X (Twitter,) and generally trying to will a bisexual pop star into existence that she felt absolutely nothing wrong with throwing fuel to the psychotic fire and attempting to reignite complete delusions and encourage us all to see things "her way."
What the NYT did is the equivalent of me writing a blog post that Taylor is secretly a Donald Trump supporter, based on the trolling Trump supporters did saying she was back in 2016, and the Left claiming she might have been because she didn't come out and say that she isn't and who does she think she is keeping her political opinions to herself anyway.
If I do it, it's nonsense. If both the author and the topic check off multiple boxes on the Left's preferred marginalized class Bingo card, it gets published in the New York Times.
Swift had since overcorrected from 2016 and claimed silly things like "Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male." However, lately, Taylor seems more content to make a billion dollars touring. That is, when she isn't destroying the planet dating Travis Kelce. Or letting chaos reign in the Middle East by not posting something on Instagram about a ceasefire.
***Gannett hired America's second Taylor Swift journalist after massive layoffs of actual reporters who might provide value reporting on important local issues, and gutted NEWSrooms across the country. Though they are looking for a Beyonce reporter as well.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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