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According to MSNBC's Elie Mystal, Trump supporters think being “classless is kind of cool” and are just as “despicable” as him.
In other words, MSNBC despises practically half the country.
The lack of self-awareness is insane.
According to The Post Millennial:
Progressive pundit Elie Mystal joined MSNBC's Joy Reid to talk about how awful they think Donald Trump is, and for good measure, they threw in his supporters as well. When asked by Reid why Trump's career hasn't ended over the many "despicable" things he's done, such as talking about buildings he's built in New York, or joining Gold Star families for a memorial at Arlington National Cemetary, Mystal said that it's "because his supporters are just as despicable."
"Also to do things Elie, that one would think are career-ending the way he desecrated Arlington National Cemetery would be career-ending for a normal politician, but his constant lies," Reid said. "But even this piece about saying, 'Well, my building was the tallest until, you know, they brought down the World Trade Center. Now it's a second tallest.' I mean, everything he does is despicable."
These people are so incredibly stupid they have no clue what they are talking about.
The families of fallen soldiers invited Trump and Kamala to attend the event but only Trump showed up. How is that “career-ending”? Especially, when the de facto president is the one who ignored them. And he’s got some nerve claiming Trump tried to make 9/11 about his buildings.
Make it make sense.
"The reason why it doesn't end his career is because his supporters are just as despicable," Mystal said. "All right? Like Trump's whole thing, he's a narcissist, right? And so his whole thing is to have a complete lack of compassion and empathy for everybody else. It's all about him. That's why he lies about 9/11 it's all about him, him, him, me, me, me. It's— he's probably the least compassionate president we've had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson."
He does know Andrew Jackson was a Democrat, right?
How can dedicating an entire administration to make America great be narcissistic? And his net worth decreased because of it. So I am having trouble seeing how any of this was done for himself?
"And it works for him because his supporters are just as ungenerous and have just as little compassion and empathy for others," Mystal continued. "So when he is seen out there, essentially, as you guys have put it, desecrating our national symbols, when he is seen out there, putting himself above all else, his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. They want— that's how they think of themselves, and that's why it never hurts Trump when he takes these crass and classless actions, it's because his supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool."
Is that what he thinks of half the country? Additionally, someone as “classless” as himself shouldn't be speaking like that. It’s almost as comical as if he were to go around and call people fat. That’s how badly he’s projecting.
This is what they call “journalism.” Just sitting around in a circle and talking crap about people they despise, while pretending as if this is beneficial for the American people.
You cannot possibly come up with a worse group of people to be stuck in a room with.
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