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Out of the past 16 years, the Dems have been in power for 12. But for some reason, all of the bad stuff is Trump’s fault. Why is that?
There are not many five-year-olds who are as dumb as Joy Reid. but she would like you to explain like she is in preschool why you are voting for Trump, but you can’t claim it has anything to do with the economy because when the economy is good it’s because of the Dems, and when it’s bad, it’s because of Republicans.
How about the border? Is not voting for the person responsible for the worst border crisis in American history good enough? Is voting against the anti-American party not a valid reason?
Or how about voting for someone more likely to be firm on world peace? Is no new wars and ending existing ones not good enough for her?
How about energy independence, tax cuts, keeping men out of girls’ sports, voter ID, prompting free speech, and carrying out the largest deportation operation in American history? Are any of those worthy of a vote?
In response, I would like her to explain like we are adults, why she will be voting for Kamala. And she can’t claim it has anything to do with gender or skin color, because that does nothing for this country and has no place in legitimate debate in 2024.
She has yet to answer that question so it’s safe to conclude she cannot discuss things like a rational person and she’s a sexist, racist, woke, liberal who does not even comprehend basic economics. Because if she is going to claim that Trump’s economic policies only work due to Obama’s economy then she has reached levels of stupidity not even seen in developmentally delayed toddlers.
Why is it that recessions only exist when Republicans are in office and that Democratic policies only go into effect when the other side has overturned those rules and implemented other ones? And how come it takes several years for Obama’s economy to work but Trump’s economy is killed faster than the left claiming the invisible sniffles will cause humanity to cease to exist?
She’s a lying propagandist who should have never been given a platform but we are not living in logical times. The fact that she’s so quick to blame Trump for anything bad is rather telling, especially because she has the nerve to praise Obama for economic success he had nothing to do with.
It’s quite comical that she does not mention how GDP growth under Obama was less than Carter's and proceeds to claim that one’s bad record is evident that they will create economic prosperity, as Kamala is currently campaigning against herself.
Not only does she blame Trump for COVID, which makes no sense, but it was his tax cuts and policies that made the recovery so much easier. If Sleepy Joe had been in office during that, we would have never recovered like we did. It was Trump’s tax cuts and economic policies that created economic prosperity and that has nothing to do with Obama.
Additionally, any economic recovery was essentially destroyed by the Biden-Harris administration.
Comparing Obama’s economy is almost as bad as claiming Kamala didn’t cast the tie-breaking vote that caused one of the worst inflation crises this country has ever seen.
That being said, Reid has some nerve claiming you are not allowed to vote based on how far your dollar goes, especially at a time when so many Americans are not able to make ends meet, while she has more money than most people will ever see in their lifetimes.
It takes a lot of nerve for a multi-millionaire to lecture you about money, while she is so out of touch she doesn't even know what it feels like to worry about income. And the fact that she is seen as an authority figure on this issue, while she bashes the middle class and poor as if they are the problem, is infuriating, yet unsurprising.
Anyway, we are still waiting for Reid to give one reason to vote against your best interest besides skin color or sex. Subsequently, since this is so hard for the left to explain, there are none.
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